I sit before a pile of photos from my childhood and try to work on my bio for my web site. Many pictures have faded with time, but my memories are vivid. Happy memories. Yet, for the first time, I face writer’s block. I asked Norman if he would work on my biography for the web site, but he is occupied at the moment. We have a family of hawks in our yard which are watching our chipmunks. Norman is outside protecting the chipmunks. His presence on our porch is quite effective when it comes to hawks in search of food.
I try to shoo my writer’s block out my window by eating chocolate cookies. It hasn’t helped. It appears as if I’ve used pound cake in the past.
Good job, Betsy. I don’t have to worry about you finding things to blog about. Or I guess I should say, “I don’t have to worry about you and Norman trying to find things to talk about.”
Keep up the good work,
Thanks, Kathy!
Norman and I have plenty to write about, as long as it doesn’t keep me from working on my novels and picture books.
Norman is interviewing our cats at the moment in hopes that one of them might take care of reading our emails, etc.
Joey, our yellow tabby, seems to be the best candidate so far.