As I prepare to leave on a secret trip – planned by my husband for our fifteenth wedding anniversary – I am faced with how to pack, and whether choosing outfits for two unknown destinations outside the United States is more difficult than plotting a novel. The answer is painfully clear as I am obviously back at the computer writing.
John’s suitcase is already packed – five days ago. My suitcase is empty, though I currently have a bed covered with multiple pairs of pants, skirts, tops, and anything else I might need. (I dare to say that I am only familiar with throw-packing.) Is there really any other way to pack?
Before he left for work, I asked John what he planned to wear on a typical day on our trip, he gestured to his current attire and said, “In the daytime, I will wear these tan slacks with this blue shirt . . . and in the evening I will wead these tan slacks with this blue shirt and maybe a tie and a jacket.”
I responded with a blank stare. Then I began to stammer. “Ah . . . I have skirts and pants and dresses to choose from and I can’t just add a tie at night. And what about the necklaces I made last week to wear? What does that travel book say about women’s attire? Will we get dirty during the day from sand or dirt or . . . ”
“Maybe. We might. Got to go to work,” he said, walking to his car.
I poured myself a second cup of coffee, hoping it would inspire me to consolidate the selection of apparel on my bed. It didn’t. Especially since the cats were snoring on top of my clean clothes and when I tried to shoo them off, Joey hissed at me.
And then, I discovered my suitcase was already packed.
Hey Betsy, you should bring at least two scarves that match your outfits. It’s been a bit chilly here this past week. You don’t have to worry about any sand, but sunglasses could be a good idea. Good walking shoes are also essential – as well as one “nice” pair for evening outings (I don’t recommend big American sneakers, you’ll stick out!) You shouldn’t need sandals, it won’t be that warm.
Bring a mixture of pants and skirts, as well as long and short sleeved shirts. Enjoy the trip!
Thank you, Surprise!
Perhaps we will meet soon?????
Your husband sounds like a keeper, Betsy!
Enjoy the trip!
He has apparently set a high standard here in Greece. We have met couples from Australia, Greece, Italy, France, England, Portugal, Spain, Dubai, etc. and all the women have asked their partners to have John e-mail them to plan similiar trips. Off to Paris, next.
Much to write about, but when we are not seeing Greece, we are sleeping!